Windsor, ON – The annual Flat-Earth Society conference was held last week in Denver, Colorado and Windsor, Ontario was named the flattest city on the flat earth map. The annual conference is held and attended by persons who believe the earth is flat and this year Windsor was recognized for its unique flatness.
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Monthly Archives: June 2018
Newly single man re-enters dating world with crate of egg-plants
Windsor, ON – Fresh onto the Windsor dating scene Benjamin Webb, age 56, has begun the task of finding a new girlfriend after a recent divorce following 25 years of marriage. “Got married when I was 21 and but things haven’t been good for awhile so we split up. Now I am out here again in the dating world” Webb explained to gathered media on Tuesday.
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May-fly offended at being called a June-bug
Windsor, ON – A May-fly arrived in Windsor this week as part of his species annual convention in Essex County and was shocked when a passerby called him a June-bug. “Seriously it is 2018 people. 2018 and still you’ve a got a segment of society just throwing out names and labels without a thought of how it impacts an insect’s feelings” said Arthur the May-fly as he was stuck to a glass window on Ouellette Avenue on Friday morning.
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